Students are expected to be in class for each class session. Missing class will result in a reduction of one’s overall class attendance and participation grade regardless of the reason (5 point reduction per miss). Missing more than ¼ of class sessions (4 or more classes), except for extenuating circumstances, can place the student at risk of failing the course. Three tardies is equal to one absence, so be on time!
The student will be required to take a mid-semester test and final exam. The final is not cumulative and will cover only the material during the latter half of the course. Exams must be taken on the day they are scheduled unless arrangements are made in advance under extenuating circumstances.
A 91-100% F below 61%
B 81-90% I Incomplete
C 71-80% WP Withdrawal while passing
D 61-70% WF Withdrawal while failing
All assignments must be turned in according to the dates on the class schedule. Any work turned in late will be deducted 2 percentage points for every day it is late.
The student may work toward 1,000 points for this course. The percentage points will not be rounded up. For example, if they student earns 907 points for the course, the percentage will be 90.7%, which is a “B.” The student must earn both the next grade and percentage level. The point values and percentages break down as follows:
Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary supports the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students with physical or learning disabilities desiring additional assistance must consult with the Dean’s office prior to enrollment or as early as possible after the disability is diagnosed. Procedures for assisting students will require a physician’s written verification of the disability and probable benefit(s) of specific assistance for student learning, a student’s specific written request(s) for assistance from the seminary, and the informing of the seminary faculty. Reasonable accommodations will be given in accordance with the federal and state laws though the Dean’s Office. Contact the Dean’s Office in the main administration building in person or: