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Guide to the Library: Library Services

This is an introduction to the resources and services of Kellar Library.

Library Catalog

Inter-Library Loan (ILL)

 You can borrow books from other libraries that are not available in Kellar Library.

  1. Use to locate books in other libraries.
  2. Make a request for the item on WorldCat.  OR
  3. Fill out a form at the public services desk.
  4. Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery.

Don't wait until the last minute!


Which Items can I check out?

All books in the general collection (001 - 999.9), as well as Spurgeon collection books, circulate for four weeks.  A book may be renewed as needed unless it has been reserved by another patron.

Audio-visual materials may be checked out for one week, unless the materials are on reserve.

Reference, periodicals, BMA collection and books on reserve cannot be checked out without special permission.  Reference books may be checked out overnight with special permission and are due by 9:00 AM the following day.

Check out procedure:

1. Ask a library worker to charge out the book(s) for you.

2. The library has assigned each student an ID number.  The student ID card will be issued to each student and the student should present this ID card each time they wish to charge out materials.  

3. When finished, return the items to the front desk or, if the library is closed, place into the outside drop box. 

4. If renewal of materials is desired, bring the material in, phone 903-586-2501, ext. 215 (1-800-259-5673, ext. 215) or e-mail Alicia Johnson for a renewed return date.


Computers and Internet Access


   Four desktops and three Notebooks are available for students to use in writing research papers and accessing the Internet for research purposes.  A USB flash memory drive is required to save information because  computer hard drives will be deleted periodically. All computers print to the copy machine and print-outs are .10 cents per page. The Internet is accessible on all library desk top and lap top computers.

Internet Access 

   The Internet is accessible on all library desk top and lap top computers.  Wi-fi access is available throughout most of the library.  


Overdue Fines

Four-week books - 10 cents per day

Overnight books - 25 cents per day for each day past due,

Audiovisuals - 10 cents per day.

Lost Books:  the retail price of the book and a processing fee of $10.00 for the book will be charged. Fines are charged for Saturday and Sunday on overdue materials.


Public Services Supervisor

Alicia Johnson

Alicia Johnson

Printing and Duplication


   All printing is directed to the photo-copier in the copy room.   


   A photo copier is provided in the library for patron use at ten cents per copy.  Payment for copies should be made to a member of the library staff or placed in the collection box located near the machine. If necessary, one may charge copies and pay for them before the end of the current semester. 


   The copy machine is capable of scanning documents, which you can email to yourself directly from the copy-machine.

Audio-Visual Duplication

The library has 2 audio cassette tape duplicators & a DVD burner which may be used by the students free of charge. The library does not provide free blank media.  A $2.00 service charge for burning a DVD which includes the cost of a blank DVD.