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Theological Research and Writing: 6. Writing and Citing

A Guide to Cutting Edge Critical Thinking; Cutting Edge Research and Writing at BMATS

When you're finished here...

 Before you move on to the next page, you will:

  • Know how to use the information gained from research to write a paper.
  • Know how to appropriately cite information sources according to Turabian style.
  • Know how to format your paper according to Turabian style.

Cite as you write!

Writing and citing are integrated tasks.  As you write you will include ideas gleaned from your research and you will cite the source for those ideas with a footnote or parenthetical citation.  Avoid saving your citations for later.

A paper that writes itself.

This page of the guide is devoted to getting words on paper and organizing that paper according to the Turabian writing style.  The first sub-page is devoted to writing, while the second sub-page is devoted to the rules of bibliographic citation.  


If you have done RESEARCH,  your research paper will often seem to write itself!

Before you sit down to write be sure that:

·         You understand the purpose of research and writing.

·         You understand the nature of theological information.

·         You have selected and developed a topic that your professor has approved.

·         You have found relevant, scholarly, information sources.

·         You have read your sources, making and organizing notes on the information that answers your research question.

Pro Tip: Do your bibliography first!

Organization is incredibly important when writing a research paper.  The more organized you are, the more likely that your writing will go smoothly.  Before you start writing, decide which resources you will use and create your bibliography.  Writing a paper is draining, especially under pressure.  It is painful to conclude a paper and realize that you still have to do the bibliography.  In fact, it is a good idea to handle most of your formatting decisions prior to writing such that you can simply type without having to worry about format later.  Furthermore, if you do your bibliography first, you can easily use it for your footnotes with minor alterations.